Event Information
Wednesday, Oct 19, 2016 7:30 PM
Dir. Uwe Janson | Germany | 2015 | 86 min.
In German with English subtitles
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Opening Night Cocktail Party at 5:30pm at CABANA. Hosted by the Gordon Jewish Community Center.

Just as the self-reliant Ruth is evicted from her apartment, Jonas arrives in Berlin burdened with a personal ordeal. Flashbacks divulge the older Jewish woman’s sorrows, while Jonas’ own vulnerability comes to light. Ruth (Hannelore Elsner) and Jonas (Max Riemelt) are of different generations and life experiences, who both find themselves at a crossroads, without a home and suffering from romantic loss. Through shared parallels and camaraderie, and the lusty Yiddish music of yesteryear, this pair finds a new sense of  purpose and can defiantly toast l’chaim in the face of adversity.

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