Event Information
Thursday, Sep 28, 2017 9:10 PM
Dir. Eliza Hittman | USA | 2017 | 95 min. | R | DCP
Preceded by short film New Balls Please (3 min.)
Event Pricing
General Admission Adult - $13.50
General Admission Senior - $11.50
General Admission Student - $9.50
General Admission Military - $9.50
General Admission Child - $11.50
General Admission Group Sale - $12.50

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Event Date Passed

On the outskirts of Brooklyn, Frankie, an aimless teenager, suffocates under the oppressive glare cast by his family and a toxic group of delinquent friends. Struggling with his own identity, Frankie begins to scour hookup sites for older men. When his chatting and webcamming intensify, he begins meeting men at a nearby cruising beach while simultaneously entering into a cautious relationship with a young woman. As Frankie struggles to reconcile his competing desires, his decisions leave him hurtling toward irreparable consequences. This award-winning Sundance hit from filmmaker Eliza Hittman (IT FELT LIKE LOVE) is a powerful character study that is as visually stunning as it is evocative.

“Eliza Hittman's second feature is very much the work of a filmmaker with her own distinctive voice, combining moody poetry with textural sensuality to evoke the dangerous recklessness that often accompanies sexual discovery.” —David Rooney, Hollywood Reporter

“Fully delivering on the promise of her rough-diamond debut IT FELT LIKE LOVE, Hittman’s sophomore feature…thoughtfully negotiates the maelstrom of clashing conditions and uncertainties in its protagonist’s psyche.” —Guy Lodge, Variety

Preceded by the short film "No Balls Please" (Dir. Richard James, UK, 2004, 3 min., NR, DCP)
Defending tennis champion Kurt Bruckner is struggling to stay in a quarter final game against up and coming young star Jorge Romeo. Kurt loses his serve and his temper when Jorge inadvertently triggers an unexpected court side competition.

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