Event Information
Thursday, Aug 15, 2019 7:00 PM
Presented by RiffTrax Live | Doors at 6:20pm | Show at 7:00pm
Ticket Selection
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Event Date Passed

There’s a monster in Wisconsin, and it’s going to slowly, VERY slowly, strike TERROR INTO YOUR HEART! Sure your grandma could outrun it, but TERROR is more fun! When a fiery meteor lands in the woods, strange things begin to happen in this small Wisconsin town — even weirder than usual, and that’s a pretty high bar!

While the townspeople are picked off by spiders of varying sizes, two esteemed scientists ramble around the countryside in a late model sedan, where they find friendship, romance and a big mechanical spider built on a Volkswagen Beetle chassis! 

Starring Alan Hale Jr, the (Skipper from Gilligan’s Island), Barbara Hale (Perry Mason, and no relation to the Skipper) and Robert Easton, who’s been in more movies than a No Smoking disclaimer, Bill Rebane’s The Giant Spider Invasion explodes across the screen in a pristine new digital transfer.

Join Bill, Mike and Kevin as they serve up the cheesiest cheese America’s Dairyland has to offer, LIVE in person at The Belcourt Theatre!

RiffTrax Live Line Instructions: RiffTrax will use a line hold system to let everyone check in and reserve a spot in line, then leave and come back later to your held spot.

Starting at 12 noon, people can check into the Belcourt's box office and present their ticket. You will then be issued a card with your line spot number. The number on your card dictates your spot in line.

Go out and relax or go grab something to eat knowing your spot in line is reserved.

Return to the Belcourt with your ticket and your line spot card no later than 6:00 pm and get in line based on your number. Doors open at 6:20. Someone from the Belcourt will be on site to assist you if need be, but you should be able to find your spot by talking with other people in line. It’s just like Southwest Airlines but with actual comedy!

Note: If you lose your line spot card you will lose your spot in line and have to go to the end of the line. If there are more than one of you, please bring ALL the tickets to get multiple cards, one card will be issued per ticket. The line spot card does not replace your ticket so please hold onto your ticket and bring it with you when you come back to the Belcourt.

Visit the Official Website