
1966 Hall Tue, Aug 9, 2022 2:50 PM
1966 Hall Tue, Aug 9, 2022 7:00 PM
1966 Hall Fri, Sep 2, 2022 2:30 PM
1925 Hall Tue, Sep 6, 2022 8:10 PM


San Miguel is a one horse town that’s being pulled apart by two rival families. The crooked town sheriff John Baxter has a sideline in weapons smuggling with support from his son and their gang of thugs. But the Rojo Cartel, headed up by a trio of volatile brothers, have their own ambitions for San Miguel and its strategic position on the Mexican border. Enter the Man with No Name (Clint Eastwood) — a laconic gunslinger for hire who drifts into town and, after learning of the Baxter-Rojo feud, spots an opportunity.

“...By definition a landmark — it invented a whole damn sub-genre, set Clint Eastwood upon the road to superstardom, and managed something impossible: it rejuvenated the ailing Western. In short, it was like the arrival of punk rock.” —Empire